Festival of Quilts 2019
The Quilters’ Guild of South Australia holds its Festival of Quilts exhibition of members’ quilts each year, and we’re delighted to bring you some of the award winners from the 2019 show.
Best in Show
Winner, Modern One Person Quilts
Green Eyed Monster, Rachelle Denneny, 180cm (71in) square
Artist’s statement: “Playing with simple circles radiating outwards at 1/4in and 1/2in increments and setting them off-centre creates interest and movement. Three neutrals and one colour were used, with lots of negative space to fill with quilting texture.” Machine appliquéd and quilted on a domestic machine.
Second, Appliqué Quilts — Amateur
Princess Feathers, Helen Smart, 236cm (93in) square
Artist’s statement: “Made only from my stash. A work of love! Finished in 2017.” Pattern by Kim McLean.
Winner, Combined Pieced and Appliquéd Quilts, Small — Amateur
Needleturns to Joy, Sonia Holton, 107cm (42in) square
Artist’s statement: “This quilt was started at Quilt Encounter (the SA Guild’s annual retreat) in 2017 and was my introduction to needleturn appliqué. The workshop with Irene Blanck was such a great way to enter the world of needleturn appliqué. I was inspired by Irene’s use of fabric and colour.” ‘Joy’ pattern by Irene Blanck.
Winner, Pieced Quilts — Professional
Tula Nova, Dianne Giles, 158cm x 160cm (621/4in x 63in)
Artist’s statement: “I was fortunate to attend a trunk show by the famous Tula Pink. I fell in love with her Tula Nova quilt and had to do it. This was my first major English paper piecing project, but definitely not my last.” ‘Tula Nova’ pattern by Tula Pink.
Third, Appliqué Quilts, Small — Professional
Beached, Cathy Boniciolli, 100cm x 76cm (391/2in x 30in)
Artist’s statement: “Designed from my own photo. Inspired by the colourful textures of a large starfish discovered washed up in the shallows of Emu Bay, Kangaroo Island, on a beach walk. My love for the beach and sea life gives me a focus for creative expression. Free-machine quilted with over 200 pieces of fused, raw-edge appliqué pieces with a real sense of depth achieved by an amazing use of colour, texture and tone.” Cotton fabric top of carefully selected spiral fabrics.

Winner, Combined Pieced and Appliquéd Quilts — Professional
Ladybird’s Picnic, Amanda Kelly, 105cm x 160cm (413/8in x 63in)
Artist’s statement: “I loved this design as soon as I saw it, but chose to make it with a dark background after seeing a version that Carolyn Friedlander had made using these colours (on her blog at www.carolynfriedlander.com).” ‘Aerial Grove’ pattern from Savor Each Stitch: Studio Quilting with Mindful Design by Carolyn Friedlander.
Third, Combined Pieced and Appliquéd Quilts — Professional
Pemberly, Jill Christian, 232cm x 258cm (911/4in x 1011/2in)
Artist’s statement: “From a 2014 Quilt Encounter (the SA Guild’s annual retreat) workshop with Katrina Hadjimichael, which I have varied a little. After looking at a photograph of the original quilt that inspired Katrina, made in the late 18th century, I drew up and added to the centre appliqué area, making my quilt a little different from Katrina’s. Making one of Katrina Hadjimichael’s wonderful quilts is like going on an amazing journey.”
Third, Collaborative Pieced Quilts
Sherbet, Wizz Fizz, pieced by Elizabeth Chadwick; quilted by Cheryl Prater, 245cm (961/2in) square
Artist’s statement: “This is a Quiltworx pattern called Vintage Rose, designed by Judy Niemeyer. It was the 2016 Technique of the Month and was taught over a six-month period by a certified instructor. I have a sweet tooth and I love all things sherbet, especially the Wizz Fizz. This quilt reminds me of those colours. I enjoy the process of foundation paper piecing because of its accuracy.”
Second, Collaborative Modern Quilts
Posh Blossom, pieced by Kathy Horton, quilted by Heather Hopkins, 165cm (65in) square
Artist’s statement: “Made from the Posh Blossom pattern by Sew Kind of Wonderful using the Quick Curve ruler for easy curved piecing. Heather picked out this quilt pattern and solid fabrics because she thought it would be a fun one to quilt. She got Kathy (her mum) to piece it for her because, she said, ‘I’m too lazy to do it myself and, let’s face it, she is better at that than me!’ I wanted to give the stitches maximum definition so I chose to double batt using a layer of Matilda’s Own 100 per cent polyester topped with the super-lofty Hobbs wool batting. I quilted this freehand on my longarm (no computer!) and with the quick curve quilting ruler.”
Judge Lyn Crump’s Commendation
Frustration, Heather Wilson, 162cm x 177cm (633/4in x 693/4in)
Artist’s statement: “A design by Yoko Saito. I saw it and just had to do it.”