Quilt Tales From Around The Mountain
New Zealand quilters were delighted to see quilt shows being held again shortly after the COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted. Among the first was the Quilt Tales from Around the Mountain exhibition, held at the Percy Thomson Gallery in Stratford (Taranaki) on the North Island. It featured work by Aotearoa Quilters Taranaki and a ‘suitcase exhibition’ selected at the National Symposium held in Auckland in 2019. We’re delighted to share some of the quilts with you.
A Leap of Faith
Cindy Dobbin
66cm x 61cm (26in x 24in)
Artist’s statement: “This work is a continuation of the study I have been doing looking at how, after dyeing fabric, I can embellish quilts with construction techniques, stamping, painting, couching, use of templates and quilting designs. I love to add interest to my quilts and continually explore ways of doing this.”
Learn a new technique that is centuries old with this table runner pattern
City Limits
Wendy Sorrensen
100cm (39½in) square
Artist’s statement: “City Limits allowed me to experiment with a simple abstract design and a bright colour palette. My work is influenced by quilt artist Melody Johnson.”
Scrapbook Construction
Maree Rogers
100cm (39⅜in) square
Artist’s statement: “An abstract interpretation of structures using scrappy pieces of hand-dyed fabrics.”
Create your own desert landscape quilt with Caroline Sharkey in this tutorial
Vanessa Enjoys Cocoa
Allison Rice-Korban
58.5cm (23in) square
Artist’s statement: “I set out on an adventure while learning to use my new sewing machine, and Vanessa was created. It was fascinating and thrilling to watch her emerge from the fabric.”
He tohu o Paerangi 2
Merrilyn George
46cm (18in) square
Artist’s statement: “The landscape and the paths that people have taken over centuries have significance today. This is a sacred place in my area.”