Anne Kelly Portrait

In the Studio with designer Anne Kelly

Anne Kelly’s cloth collages are really something to behold. Here she tells us about her process and what it takes to create such beautiful works of art. By Caroline Adams Anne Kelly’s cloth collages are works of art in fabric form. She uses layer upon layer of fabric to create scenes of romantic cities, or […]

Jennifer Corkish

Jennifer Corkish, Her Work and Her Upcoming Sea Change

The term sea change couldn’t be more fitting for the future of quilter Jennifer Corkish, who is moving from the Southern Highlands to the south coast of NSW. I spoke with Jennifer about plans for her new studio and how the new house will affect her creative process. By Caroline Adams. Those looking for a […]

Wood Ann

Selvedge with designer Ann Wood

It all comes down to beauty in the beasts with Ann Wood’s wondrous creatures. Ann Wood perfectly formed mosquitoes ominously arch their bodies on long fragile legs, probosces aimed, ready for piercing. But those same menacing insects are dressed in genteel lace and fine, fine prints. What? Written by Susan Hurley Sewer rats stop for a […]

Carolyn Sullivan Tells Us About Her Quilt Inspiration

Carolyn Sullivan Tells Us About the Inspiration behind her Quilts

Carolyn Sullivan is the author of many books documenting embroidery and textile designs from all over the world. Carolyn Sullivan’s embroidered and quilted works are inspired by these textiles. In this blog post she tells us more about her inspiration. By Carolyn Sullivan. I have always loved cultural textiles and a lot of my work has been based on […]


Mend Fabrics in Ten Different, Creative Ways

If you’ve torn it, flaunt it! Forget invisible techniques used to mend fabrics, they are way too dull and discreet! Today it’s all about parading your patches with Mardi Gras flamboyance and embracing fabric wear and tear as a blank canvas for your stitching artistry. So let rip and make some darn magic with exuberant […]